GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 1-25 of 64412345678910Next »
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Alden, John S.Michigan1 (B)E 21 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Aldrich, Jud B.New York1 (B)D 12 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Alexander, M. L.New York1 (B)B 156 NY Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Allen, AustinOhio1 (B)G 49 MS Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Almy, David1 (B)G 16 MI Inf.view record
Anderson, JamesScotland1 (B)E 59 IL Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Anderson, WilliamNew York, NY1 (B)B 26 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Angel, GeromeMichigan1 (B)C 2 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Annis, HiramNew York1 (B)M 8 MI Cav.Soldiers Homeview record
Ashley, Charles JFranklin, NY1 (B)G 10 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Ashley, L. W.New York1 (B)Soldiers Homeview record
Austin, WmVirginia1 (B)K 1 KS Cav.Soldiers Homeview record
Auton, MarvinMichigan1 (B)L 1 MI Cav.Soldiers Homeview record
Bachman, PhilipGermany1 (B)G 10 TN Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Baker, AlbertOhio1 (B)C 1 SSSoldiers Homeview record
Baker, Geo. B.New York1 (B)E 27 NY Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Barden, Geo.Michigan1 (B)A 15 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Barker, G. B.Michigan1 (B)H 28 MI Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Barnard, Chas. W.New York1 (B)D 14 Mi Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
Barnes, Albert A.Hoosik, NY1 (B)F 10 MI Cav.Soldiers Homeview record
Barnes, Albert A.Hoosik,NY1 (B)F 10 MI Cav.Soldiers Homeview record
Barnes, Calvin C.New York1 (B)C 15 NY Cav.Soldiers Homeview record
Barr, Jordan1 (B)K 16 MI Inf.3016 Effie Ave,NEview record
Barr, Jordan1 (B)G 15 MI Inf.view record
Bartholomew, James A.Pennsylvania1 (B)A 96 PA Inf.Soldiers Homeview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster