GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 1-25 of 991234Next »
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Andrews, J. S.61Gaylordview record
Ashley, N. C. G.61Vanderbiltview record
Austin, Geo. D.NY State61B 1 MI L. A.Gaylordview record
Bala, D. C.York State61E 75 NY Vol.Gaylordview record
Bedford, Wm.61view record
Beebe, A. M.Canandaigua, NY61E 14 MI Inf.Gaylordview record
Berry, John G.New York61A 16 NY V. V.Berryvilleview record
Birdsell, Hosie61C 1 MI Cav.Gaylordview record
Bower, D. H.Ohio61C 129 IN Inf.Gaylordview record
Bradley, Orson O.York State61B 16 NY Inf.Gaylordview record
Bratt, Levinus W.61C 25 MI Inf.view record
Call, J. W.61Gaylordview record
Carson, Charles T.Kentucky61H 24 WI Inf.Elmiraview record
Caufield, HarveyMichigan61A 18 MI Inf.East Jordanview record
Chapman, D.61view record
Chapman, HenryScotland61F 24 MI I.Elmiraview record
Corlett, Jas. E.61Gaylordview record
Covert, J. A.61Gaylordview record
Crowe, S. M.61view record
Crowl, Sam61view record
Curtis, Robert61view record
Davis, C. F.61view record
Dickinson, Edward S.Jefferson Co., NY61B 13 IL Inf.Gaylordview record
Downs, EdwinConn.61E 19 CT Vol.Dover Twp.view record
Durfee, Harry (Harvey ?) W.Michigan61F 23 MIGaylordview record
1234Next »

Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster