| |  | Michigan GAR Membership Rosters
Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented. Name | Birth | Post # | Unit | Residence | View | Groomes, Isall | New York | 17 | C 22 MI | Windsor |  | Growl, John P. | Germany | 17 | F 27 MI Inf. | Detroit |  | Guild, E. Z. | New York | 17 | A 9 NY Art. | 165 Jeff., Detroit |  | Guilloz, Pet. G. | France | 17 | E 22 MI Inf. | Detroit |  | Gunnie, Jos. | Canada | 17 | G 4 NY H. A. | Detroit |  | Gunning, John B. | Wayne Co., MI | 17 | I 9 MI Inf. | Detroit |  | Gunther, Aug. | Ger. | 17 | E 2 NH Vol. | Delray, Wayne Co. |  | Gurney, David G. | France | 17 | G 7 Mi Cav. | Detroit |  | Haas, George C. | Germany | 17 | H 12 NJ Inf. | Detroit |  | Hacker, John C. | Germany | 17 | D 16 WI Inf. | 184 Lafayette St, Detroit |  | Haire, John | Ireland | 17 | US Navy | Detroit |  | Hall, Emmons C. | Michigan | 17 | C 22 MI Inf. | Detroit |  | Hall, John N. | Mich. | 17 | I 11 MI Inf. | Detroit |  | Hall, Martin | Evansport, OH | 17 | C 86 OH Inf. | Detroit |  | Hamilton, Alex | NH | 17 | K 9 IN | 140 24th St., Detroit |  | Hamilton, Edward | Dublin, Ireland | 17 | 1 US Dragoons | 154 Sixth St, Detroit |  | Hampton, C. G. | New York | 17 | H 8 NY Cav. | 37 Brainard, Detroit |  | Hanna, Wm. H. | Mich. | 17 | G 10 MI inf. | Detroit |  | Hanrahan, Pierce | Ireland | 17 | H PA Inf | Detroit |  | Happe, John | Prussia, Germany | 17 | B 4 US Art. | 217 Chene St, Detroit |  | Harbaugh, Edward | Baltimore, Maryland | 17 | E 38 IL Inf. | Detroit |  | Harber, Oliver H. | | 17 | I 151 IN Inf. | |  | Hardy, Jno. C. | New York | 17 | D 2 MI Inf. | Detroit |  | Harlock, Charles | Eng. | 17 | F 3 US Cav. | Detroit |  | Harmon, Geo. W. | Was. Co., Mich. | 17 | E 17 MI Inf. | Hamtramek |  | |
|  | Copyright 1995-2006, Department
of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, a Congressionally
Chartered Corporation. All rights reserved. |
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