GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Viewing 676-700 of 1558« Prev  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  Next » 
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Hickox, Geo. W.Ohio17M 10 MI Cav.Detroitview record
Higgins, James K.Baltimore, MD179 NY Indep. SSDetroitview record
Higgins, James C.Jackson Co., M.17A 23 IL Inf.Detroitview record
Higgins, JohnDetroit17H 9 Mi Cav.Amer, Ont.view record
Higgins, Thos.Ireland17H 14 MI Inf.Detroitview record
Higgs, JohnMichigan17G 1 MI Inf.Detroitview record
Hildreth, Wm. J.New York17B 8 MI Inf.Detroitview record
Hile, Edward N. ?Fairfax Vt.17I 2 MA H.A.Detroitview record
Hill, AlbertDetroit17B 103 OH V. I.Detroitview record
Hill, Lucius T.Belleview, Mich17E 1 MI Eng.Detroitview record
Hitchcock, Edward M.Jackson, Mich.17C 1 MI Cav.Detroitview record
Hitchcock, Horace R.New York17H Frontier Cav.Detroitview record
Hoag, Seth W.Erie, Penn.17I 2 MI Cav.414 Crghan St., Detroitview record
Hodge, E. O.NH17B 13 MA67 Sibley St., Detroitview record
Hodges, LeonardMichigan17B 12 Inf.Detroitview record
Hodgkins, Warren P.Lorain, Ind.17C 22 WI Inf.Detroitview record
Hodgson, Henry H.London, England17F 5 Mi Inf.Detroitview record
Hoeninghausen, Theo.Prussia17E 16 MI Inf.Detroitview record
Hoffman, AdolphGermany17A 11 NY Inf.62 Congress St., Detroitview record
Hoffman, Geo. S.New York17C 2 NJ Inf.Detroitview record
Hoffmeyer, G. W.New York17C 11 NY Cav.Detroitview record
Hohn, LouisNew York, NY17C 87 NY Inf.Detroitview record
Holcomb, John W.Michigan17F 5 Mi Inf.Detroitview record
Holcomb, Orson G.Ohio17B 6 OH Cav.Detroitview record
Holdridge, D. G.New York17K 13 NY Vol.243 Second St., Detroitview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster