GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Viewing 51-75 of 255« Prev12345678910Next »
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Dailey, Ira H.New York57C 13 MIPorterview record
Dailey, Wm. S.New York57C 13 MIMarcellusview record
Dalrymple, MelvinInd.57G 1 MI SSMarcellusview record
Davis, E. C.Ohio57A 12 MI Inf.Marcellusview record
Davis, EdsonNew York57A 12 MINewbergview record
Davis, NormanOhio57A 19 MI Inf.Marcellusview record
Davis, ReasonOhio57A 19 MI Inf.Marcellusview record
Day, JamesOhio57G 11 MIVan Buren Co.view record
Day, JeremiaOhio57E 151 INPorterview record
Decker, EbenPenn.57K 12 MIFlowerfieldview record
DeCow, Issac T.Indiana57H 28 MI Inf.Wakleeview record
Delong, B. F.Germany57A 46 PA Inf.Marcellusview record
Dennis, LeviUnion Co., Penn.57I 202 PA Inf.Marcellusview record
Drake, BenjaminSumit Co., Ohio5714 MI L. A.Marcellusview record
Drury, ChaunceyMich.57K 19 MIMarcellusview record
Eberhart, SolomonPenn.57D 49 PAMarcellusview record
Eggleston, GeorgeNew York57E 11 MIMarcellusview record
Elsworth, HenryWain Co., NY57C 129 IN Inf.Little Pririe Roundview record
Emery, DanielUnion Co., Pen.57E 138 IN Inf.Marcellusview record
Emons, DariusPokhago, Mich.57A 12 MI Inf.Voliniaview record
Everhart, SolomonPa.57D 49 PASt. Joseph Co.view record
Ewers, Wm. C.New York57K 116 NYPorterview record
Ferrell, John W.Burchard, Ohio57D 15 OH Inf.Wakleeview record
Finch, CarrNew York57D 1 MI E&MMarcellusview record
Finch, Chas.New York57I 1 MI E&MPorterview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster