GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 126-150 of 241« Prev12345678910Next »
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Latin, HoraceChemung Co., NY26M 50 NY Eng.Hartview record
Leavitt, Lester W.Ohio26C 29 OH V. I.Leavittview record
Lester, Chas. A.26C 184 MI Inf.Hartview record
Luther, M. A.NY26C 76 NY I.Hartview record
Malnowry, C.NY26B 47 WI Inf.Hartview record
Manley, StephenOhio26G 13 MI Inf.Crystal Valeyview record
Mathews, Gould E.Ohio26G 10 MI Cav.Hartview record
May, G.NY26G 49 NY Inf.Elbridgeview record
May, GustavusClyme, NY26G 49 Ny V. I.Elbridgeview record
McCarty, G.Canada26K 20 WI Inf.Elbridgeview record
McCarty, Geo. L.Canada26K 20 WI Inf.Elbridgeview record
McQuen (McTuen ?),26Mearsview record
McRae, W. J.NY26M 2 IL Art.Hartview record
Merrit, W. S.Tecumseh, Mich.26E 18 MI Inf.Hartview record
Miller, Chas. P.Platsburg, NY26D 10 MI Inf.Hartview record
Miller, JacobPenna.26G 88 PA V.V.Elbridgeview record
Mills (Wills ?), JessieCanada26C 26 MI Inf.Hartview record
Montgomery, J. W.Waric Co., Indiana26F 136 IN I.Hartview record
Moore, Joh (?)Ohio26K 178 OH Inf.Elbridgeview record
Morberger, James M.Pa.26F 10 PA Inf.Hartview record
Morton, Frank AOhio269 IA I.Hartview record
Nelson, SeymoreMich.26B 3 MI Cav.Hartview record
Nickerson, EdwinCanada26E 3 MIPentwaterview record
Nutter, EzraN. Hampshire26H 5 NH I.Hartview record
Painter, Jesse D.Ohio26I 12 MI I.Leavittview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster