GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 126-150 of 168« Prev1234567Next »
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Sheffield, F. B.Ohio33H 3 OH Cav.Chesterfield, OHview record
Sheffield, John W.Ohio33I 67 OH Cav.Chesterfield, OHview record
Smith, CalvinNY33B 5 MIMorenciview record
Smith, FranklinGrafton., Ohio33D 27 MI Inf.Morenciview record
Smith, Franklin3314 OH V. I.view record
Smith, Henry C.Mich.33I 1 MI S.S.Morenciview record
Smith, John D.N. Jersey33F 182 OHMorenciview record
Smith, Lewis O.NY33E 68 OH Inf.Morenciview record
Smith, VinsonN. Jersey33A 67 OHFulton Co., OHview record
Snell, HezakiahOhio33F 67 OH Inf.Morenciview record
Spangler, M. L.33view record
Spencer, Geo. W.Mass.33B 117 NYMedinaview record
Spencer, WarrenNew York33M 2 NY H. A.Canandagueview record
Staninger, DanielPa.33F 4 MI Inf.Morenciview record
Stone, Horace W.Mass.33I 4 OHMorenciview record
Sutton, Andrew J.Morenci33G 16 MIMorenciview record
Sutton, Robt. B.33I 1 MI L. A.view record
Sweeney, AbijahOhio33E 68 OH V. Inf.Morenciview record
Sweet, DanielSandusky, Ohio33F 49 OH Inf.Morenciview record
Treadwell, S. B.Monroe Co., NY33H 6 MI H. A.Senecaview record
Tucker, Wm. H.N. York33K 3 NY L. A.Morenciview record
Tunison, John P.New York33F 14 OH Inf.Morenciview record
Turner, J. B.Washington, M.33E 19 MIMorenciview record
Turpening, Wm.Ohio33E 68 OH V. Inf.Morenciview record
Turpening, Wm. H.Fulton Co., Ohio33E 68 OH V. Inf.Canandaigueview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster