GAR Records
Michigan GAR Membership Rosters

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Note: This is a work in progress and not all GAR Posts have been entered into the database and not all features have been implemented.

Viewing 1-25 of 37112345678910Next »
NameBirthPost # UnitResidenceView
Ackey, Albert J.Mich.40D 7 MI Cav.Charlotteview record
Adams, David W.40F 129 IN I.view record
Adams, David W.NY40I 3 MI Cav.Charlotteview record
Ainger, D. B.Ohio40K 2 OH Cav.Charlotteview record
Allen, Alonzo H.Ontario, NY40B 9 NY H. A.Charlotteview record
Allen, Giles B.Lodi, Mich.40F 6 MI V. I.Charlotteview record
Ames, Isaac H.Genessee Co., NY40H 6 MI V. I.Bentonview record
Anderson, Wm.Tiffin, Ohio40G 17 MI Inf.Charlotteview record
Ash, AustinSanduna Co., O.40B 57 OH V. I.Chesterview record
Bacon, Worlin B.Erie Co., Ohio40D 3 OH Cav.Charlotteview record
Barhyte, Wm. G.NY40H 77 NY Inf.Charlotteview record
Barnhart, Charles L.NY40E 154 Inf.Charlotteview record
Barrett, Cornelius S.Oakland Co., Mich.40I 16 MI Inf.Charlotteview record
Baughman, Adelbert DOhio401 OH Ind. Baty.Charlotteview record
Baxter, Chas. E. K.40Charlotteview record
Beardsley, G. S.Ohio40I 19 OH V. I.Charlotteview record
Beardsley, Grenville S.Northfield, Ohio40I 19 OH V. I.Charlotteview record
Becker, DanielClay, NY40G 81 NY Inf.Chesterview record
Beekman, Wm.Eaton Co., Mich.40B 2 MI Cav.Charlotteview record
Bennett, CharlesWaterloo, NY40K 100 OH V. I.Charlotteview record
Bennett, PhillipCayuga, NY40C 111 NY Inf.Charlotteview record
Bennett, Urial40l Merrill HorseCharlotteview record
Bennett, WilliamGermany40D 66 IL S. S.Charlotteview record
Berringer, ChristopherGermany40D 3 MI V. I.Charlotteview record
Berry, James O.Sandusky, Ohio40A 6 MI Cav.Charlotteview record
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Last updated on October 6, 2008 7:47 PM - webmaster