By action of the 140th annual Encampment of the Department of Michigan, Sons of Union
Veterans of the Civil War a fund has been established to provide matching grants to Camps
within the Department of Michigan. These grants are to be for projects furthering the work
and objectives of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and will be subject to approval
by a committee appointed annually by the Department Commander.
A designated amount of $5,000 will be set aside in the balance sheet of the Department of
Michigan. Grants will be made on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis for funds raised by the
applying Camp up to a maximum of $500 annually. Totals grants available to be awarded in
any given year to all applying Camps will be a maximum of $1,000. Once this initial pool of
funds is expended the program will be terminated unless renewed by a future Encampment
of the Department of Michigan.
Qualifying Camps must be members of the Department of Michigan, SUVCW that are not
under suspension by the Department Commander or National Organization of the SUVCW.
Applications are to be made on the offical form of the Department of Michigan and must be
submitted for consideration to the Camp Grant Committee at least one month before the
funding is required. Requests for funds and submission of this form does not guarantee
award of funds.
The application should include quotes for the cost of materials, labor, etc., pictures of the
existing monument or other restoration that is being proposed. Additionally, it is requested
that upon completion an article be submitted for publication in the Michigan Messenger.
Camp Grant Application